Bubble Hockey – The Fun Never Ends

Bubble hockey has become quite popular today and because of that, there are now a lot of bubble hockey manufacturers around the world. In 1969, three Brunswick engineers invented bubble hockey in their attempt to come up with a game involving a non-friction surface. 

Because of bubble hockey's immediate success, tournaments were organized which eventually led to a bubble hockey World Championship. Bubble hockey moved into the arcades and the tables were covered with plastic domes creating the modern bubble hockey table we all know and love. You can look for online manufacturers of bubble hockey tables via bubblehockeytable.com/.

You don't have time to get bored here. Kids especially enjoy it since it allows them to be active and make as much noise as they want. Noise is another reason why people, mostly kids, love playing it. Because it gives them a chance to actively interact with friends and family.

It rouses a friendly competition which makes the game even more exciting and fun to play. Kids are easily fascinated and the sight of the puck floating on air, across the bubble hockey table, is magical to a kid.

Whether you're young or old, beginner or advanced, you can have fun playing it. With bubble hockey games much skill is not needed.