Get The Perfect Look With Classic Eyelash Extension

Eyelash extensions are a popular way to add length, volume, and definition to your lashes. They are applied using special glue to the lash band and then added to the lash line. The extension can be removed at any time by a professional. Classic eyelash extensions are available in various lengths, widths, and colors.

There are three main types of LBK Lashes extensions: monofilament, adhesives, and clumps. Monofilament lashes look the thinnest and most natural, but can be more difficult to remove than other types of extensions. Adhesives offer a more permanent attachment, but can also be less secure than clumps or monofilaments. Clumps come in many different styles and sizes, making them the most popular type of extension. 

To get the perfect classic lash extension look, you will need: monofilament or adhesives for application; mascara for extra thickness; a pair of tweezers; adhesive remover; cotton balls; makeup brushes for application of adhesive; an eyebrow tweezer (optional); and lash curler (optional).

Your lashes will thank you if you take the time to condition them properly before applying lash extensions. This will help them grow longer and stronger while keeping their curl intact. Apply a lash conditioning treatment two to three times a week before your appointment, and make sure to rinse off completely after each use.