Inbox Clutter With Email Management Software

Email Management software is supposed to replace paper and increase productivity through speeding up contact, has been described as taking between 20-30% of employees’ work time.

Is this a sign that productivity is increasing? How can we manage the email monster? A system is like the foundation of any success. You can also get more information about the email management system from

email management software

Following are the features of email management software:

  • Intelligent Filing

Mail Manager provides an intelligent machine learning email filing system that works seamlessly as part of Microsoft Outlook (Office 365 or Exchange) and integrates with the document management system of your choice or the native DMS.

  • Increase Productivity & Save Time

Having a well organised central email and document storage system that is up-to-date in real-time and allows staff to cut through the deluge of emails and documents in seconds can make a huge economic impact to operational efficiency and the company bottom line.