Planning to Reopen Your Business? These Print Types Can Help

Capalaba printers

When the pandemic arrived, it impacted many businesses and caused many to close either permanently or temporarily. For those planning a reopening or willing to promote their comeback, print essentials can help deliver the words of reassurance to your clients. And here, we have curated a list of print types that will help aid the reopening of your business.

Elevator signs

When in elevators, people usually don’t have anything to do and this makes them think about what they see around. You can use this opportunity to promote your words to the target audience, placed close to the elevator button.

Meeting room signage

When people were practising social distancing, signs were used to explain instructions or point out things. In meeting rooms, using roll-up banners can help deliver your message to clients and employees alike.

Signs in shared spaces

Keeping visitors, clients, and staff safety should be a priority for business owners. For this, you can use big placards at entry points to place safety information for the visitors.

Drop a note

Remind your clients that you are open with an attractive mail-out like direct mail, flyers, or a personalized invitation. Add a welcome back message with open times and other details.


Stickers can help you go creative. Safety-conscious stickers on cars, mobile phones, and door handles remind people to stay safe. Inspiring or friendly slogan stickers can make it simpler to send a thought about your business.

Besides, you can also use other printing collaterals like greeting cards for this purpose. To know your options, you can explore what professional printers in Capalaba have to offer.