Services provided by your Primary Care Physician

Primary care physicians are responsible for referring patients to a facility if they have concerns about their health. This professional plays an important role in helping patients with their health maintenance, education, and diagnosis. The PCP can refer to other professionals depending on the patient's needs. You can also set up an appointment with the direct primary care providers through

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Prevention of Disease

People are at higher risk for certain diseases due to their genetics, lifestyle, environment, and age. Because of their ongoing and early contact with patients, a primary care physician can play an important role in disease prevention.  

Health Maintenance

Patients are often seen by PCPs in a clinic, which is usually found within the local community. These appointments can include annual physicals, women’s health care, or sports physicals.  

Diagnosis of Symptoms and Illness

The primary care physician is usually the first to diagnose a problem if someone experiences pain, discomfort, and other unpleasant symptoms. A doctor can often establish a working relationship between the patient and their doctor, which allows them to access medical records to uncover clues about their symptoms.  

Collaborative care

The PCP can continue to be involved in the care of a patient who is referred to another specialist. This will ensure that they receive the full range of medical attention. Patients can feel confident that their services are covering all possible issues by collaborating with other specialists.

You can be confident in the quality of the care you receive when you have a trusted primary care physician. The doctor and you can work together to manage your well-being and make decisions about your overall health.