Tag: couselling services in calgary

Tips To Help You Navigate Your First Counselling Session

When you attend your first counselling session, it is important to be aware that what you experience will likely be different from person to person. However, there are some general things that most people experience during their first counselling session. 

The following are four tips to help you navigate your first counselling session from counselling services in Calgary

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  1. Make Sure To Arrive Prepared. It can be helpful to have some questions ready before your appointment so that you can ask the counsellor. This will help you get a better understanding of what you may be dealing with and help the counsellor tailor the session specifically for you. 

  2. Be Open To Discussing Your Feelings And Thoughts. Many people find it helpful to start by sharing what they are currently experiencing. If something feels too difficult, don’t worry—the counsellor is here to listen and offer support as needed. 

  3. Allow Yourself Time To Express Emotions. It may take time for feelings to surface, but allow yourself the opportunity to talk about them in a safe and comfortable setting. This openness can help you work through them more effectively. 

  4. Let Go Of Preconceptions About How Therapy Should Go. Contrary to what many people believe, counsellors are not minded readers. They can’t tell you what’s in your head and they don’t know what you have done or haven’t done, so they won’t know if you have told the truth or not. The best they can do is listen to how you talk, let you speak freely and respect your choices about how to move forward on your own terms. 

If you are feeling lost or isolated, counselling might just be the answer that you have been searching for.